Other Episodes

Happiness Break: A Meditation on Pilina: Our Deep Interconnectedness, With Jo Qina’au

Pilina is an indigenous Hawaiian word, or concept, that describes our deep interconnectedness.…

Happiness Break: A Walking Meditation With Dan Harris of 10% Happier

Trouble sitting still? Learn to practice meditating by simply walking in this practice guided by 10%…

Happiness Break: Tap into the Joy That Surrounds You, With Anushka Fernandopulle

Beyond just feeling good, studies show experiencing other people's joy makes us more compassionate…

Happiness Break: Where Did You Come From? Guided Writing With Lyla June

Indigenous artist Lyla June leads a 5-minute freewriting exercise about our personal journeys.…

Happiness Break: A Meditation on Playfulness, With Dacher Keltner

We all have a playful side, and research shows acting on it can help us when we need to move through…

Happiness Break: Wrap Yourself in Kindness, With Jack Kornfield

When we treat ourselves with kindness and gratitude, research shows we feel more motivated and less…

Happiness Break: Radical Acceptance, With Tara Brach

A meditation in meeting our most difficult emotions—like anger, disappointment, or fear—with…

Happiness Break: A Meditation to Find Grounding in the New Year, With Spring Washam

Research shows feeling connected with nature can lower our stress response. This visualization…


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